When Carpe Diem members find a good sale, what do they do? They keep their local food pantry in mind! When members of the club were recently shopping, they stumbled across and amazing deal for Pampers. Recently. they had read about a great need for diapers, so they sprung into action and purchased nearly 300 diapers to stock their local pantry, Never Alone.
Never Alone, located in Woodstock, GA fights hunger in the community by providing free food to families and individuals who face financial struggles. Their dignity based approach allows clients to choose items based on dietary restrictions and personal preference to create a well-rounded pantry. In addition to food items, Never Alone provides pet food, personal hygiene and diaper / infant items.
A collection box is available for drop off 24/7 in a covered area. If you come across a great deal, pick up an item or two or three and drop off at 291 Ropemill Road location in Woodstock.